General Information
Directions to Canyon Crest Academy
Take the Carmel Valley Road exit off Highway 56. Go north on Carmel Valley Road. Turn right at Village Center Loop Road. Turn right on Canyon Crest Academy Pointe. In the parking lot, turn left for the administration building and visitor check in during school hours. Turn right for the Gym, Stadium, and playing fields for athletics competitions after school hours.
Visitor Policy
CCA is a closed campus. All campus visitors are required to check-in with ID at the reception desk in the Administration Building to get a visitor pass. If you would like to meet with a teacher or staff member, please remember to schedule an appointment in advance via email or voicemail and check-in at the Administration building with ID to pick up a visitor's badge.
Canyon Crest Academy Office Hours
CCA Administration, Attendance, Athletics, Health, Student Services and Finance Offices are open from 8:00am to 3:45pm Monday through Friday when school is in session.
Canyon Crest Academy Phone Numbers:
Main Phone: (858) 350-0253
(Please see the Staff or Administration contact page for phone extensions.)
Main Fax: (858) 350-0280
(Please see the Staff or Administration contact page for phone extensions.)
Main Fax: (858) 350-0280
Canyon Crest Academy Location and Mailing Address:
5951 Village Center Loop Road
San Diego, CA 92130
San Diego, CA 92130
Canyon Crest Academy is part of the San Dieguito Union High School District.
Directions to Canyon Crest Academy
Directions to Canyon Crest Academy
View map & directions of Canyon Crest Academy, available through Google Maps.
Map of CCA campus
Traffic flow map
Map of CCA campus
Traffic flow map