Welcome to Exploring Computer Science!
Welcome to Exploring Computer Science!
Welcome to Exploring Computer Science, a two-quarter course of study that will introduce you to various elements of Computer Science with an emphasis on programming.
Course Objectives
Course Objectives
- Describe ways in which computing enables innovation.
- Discuss the ways in which innovations enabled by computing affect communication and problem solving.
- Analyze how computing influences and is influenced by the cultures for which they are designed and the cultures in which they are used.
- Analyze how social and economic values influence the design and development of computing innovations.
- Discuss issues of equity, access, and power in the context of computing resources.
- Communicate the legal and ethical concerns raised by computational innovations.
- Discuss privacy and security concerns related to computational innovations.
- Explain positive and negative effects of technological innovations on human culture.
Independent practice is encouraged, but all assignment work is expected to be completed in class
The individual unit assignments will be posted on Google classroom. The planned activities and projects are listed below. (Note, the following units will be covered but not necessarily in the order shown):
Major Units of Study:
- Computer Systems and Interaction
- Problem Solving
- Web Design - HTML, CSS
- Introduction to programming - Scratch
- Logic and digital circuit introduction
- Python programming
- Java programming
- Embedded programming with Arduino