Welcome to Introduction to Digital Electronics!
In this course, students will be introduced to the design process of combinational and sequential logic design, engineering standards, technical documentation, teamwork, communication methods.
Course Major Units of Study and Syllabus
Major Units of Study:
- Introduction to Engineering
- Design Process
- Basic Analog circuits including Ohm's law
- Combinatorial circuit design and construction
- Sequential circuit design and construction
- State Machine design
- Circuit fabrication techniques
Digital Electronics is the study of electronic circuits that are used to process and control digital signals. In contrast to analog electronics, where information is represented by a continuously varying voltage, digital signals are represented by two discreet voltages or logic levels. This distinction allows for greater signal speed and storage capabilities and has revolutionized the world electronics. Digital electronics is the foundation of all modern electronic devices such as cellular phones, multimedia players, laptop computers, digital cameras, high definition televisions, etc.
The major focus of the DE course is to expose students to the design process of combinational and sequential logic design, teamwork, communication methods, engineering standards, and technical documentation..
You will be expected to acquire, to the best of your ability, the skills, knowledge, and techniques as they relate to this course. Additionally, such skills as technical writing, listening, thinking, and the use of technology will be improved through instruction, review and practice. Digital Electronics (DE) is appropriate for 10th or 11th grade students interested in electronics. Other than their concurrent enrollment in college preparatory mathematics and science courses, this course assumes no previous knowledge.
Lesson and Assignment Materials:
All lesson materials including instructional slides and example programs will be available on a weekly basis from the Google Classroom site.
Lab Time:
- Stay in your seats and work on your assignments and projects. If you have a question and need assistance raise your hand and the teacher will assist you as soon as possible.
Tardies: All classes are consistent with the school's policy regarding tardies.
- 1 tardy: Verbal Warning
- 2 tardies: Conference with student and phone call home
- 3 tardies: Referral
You are responsible for making up work missed due to excused absences. You must make arrangements with the teacher before a planned absence or immediately upon returning to class. The teacher will not remind you to make up missed assignments.
Regular on time attendance and active positive participation are essential in order to understand and appreciate the topics covered in this class. It is also a critical life-long work skill. Irregular attendance and/or excessive tardiness will seriously affect your achievement in this class and consequently your grade.
Late Assignment Policies:
Any assignment not turned in during your class period on the due date will be considered late.
- A grade of 0(zero) will be given for assignments not turned in or attempted.
- Partial credit may be given for Late Assignments turned in within a week of the due date. (50% for any Assignment & no more than 70% for any Assessment)
- Full credit may be given for Late Assignments due to an Excused Absence within a week of the due date.
Academic Honesty:
Students must complete their own work for all assignments. If a student is found to have copied or turned in work that is not theirs a grade of Zero will be given.
Scale: { A(100-90), B(89-80), C(79-70), D(69-60), F(59-0) }
Incomplete grades will not be given. Students are expected to follow the missing work policy listed below.
A grade of 0(zero) will be given for assignments not turned in or attempted.
Partial credit may be given for assignments turned in within a week of the due date.
Grades should be available online through Aries. Grades are evaluated in the following categories; Participation, Assignments/Quizzes, Projects, Exams. The teacher will provide the percentage weighting for each category.
Class Rules:
- No Food or Drinks (Bottled water is okay)
- Get to class On-Time and in your seat logging in
- Respect Everyone & Everything
- Do not be mean or insulting
- Do not alter or break the equipment
Leaving the Classroom:
- If you need to use the bathroom just let the teacher know before you leave.
- If you have a pass to leave early or you are playing a sport, it is your responsibility to let the teacher before you leave. Please do not expect the teacher to remind you that you have an appointment.
Turning In Assignments:
- Organize your assignments and projects in folders on your H: Drive and/or DropBox so that you will be able to find them easily.
- Instructional Labs/projects may be graded randomly in class.
- At the end of each week specified assignments will be collected.
Acceptable use Policy:
It is a privilege for the students to be able to use the school computers and network resources. Please read the policies written in the document linked below.
Welcome to the class! I look forward to working with you!
Independent practice is encouraged, but all assignment work should be able to be completed in class. Daily warm-up exercises and/or journal prompts will be given.
The individual unit assignments will be posted on Blackboard or the Google classroom. The planned activities and projects are listed below. (Note, the following units will be covered but not necessarily in the order shown):
Introduction to Engineering
History of engineering
Engineering careers
Intellectual Property and Patents
Engineering Design Process
Basic Analog Circuit Design
Passive electrical components
Current, Voltage, Power
Ohm's Law
Students will build basic resistor circuits to measure and verify predicted voltage and current characteristics.
Combinatorial Circuit Design
Introduction to Multisim
AOI (And, Or, Inverter) logic gates and functionality
Truth table design
Karnaugh Maps
Boolean Algebra
Binary adders and Arithmetic Logic Units
Circuit construction techniques
Students will design, simulate and construct a combinatorial circuit which implements a particular function. Examples include car alarm, furnace control, birthday display.
Sequential Circuit Design
Flip flops (D, JK) and their activation tables
Timing diagrams
State Machines
Circuit construction techniques
Students will design, simulate and construct a sequential circuit which implements a particular function. Examples include garage door opener/closer, motor controller, assembly line control system, encryption device, pseudorandom noise generator, audio processor. Students will document and present their projects.