Class Policies
- Stay in your seats and work on your assignments and projects. If you have a question and need raise your hand and the teacher will assist you as soon as possible
- If the teacher is busy write your name on the white board and the teacher will see in the order as your name is listed.
If you finish the activities listed for the day check with the teacher. There will always be an assignment or project coming up that you can work on (Check Blackboard). Do not work on assignments from other classes
- 1 tardy: Verbal Warning
- 2 tardies: Conference with student and phone call home
3 tardies: Referral
Absences: You are responsible for making up work missed due to excused absences. You must make arrangements with me immediately upon returning to class. I will not remind you to make up missed assignments and I will determine how much time if any you will have to make up the work.
Truancies: You will receive a zero for all work due on the day of an unexcused absence.
Assignment Progress Reports must be completed by students in the weekly journals before assignments are evaluated.
Scale: { A(100-90), B(89-80), C(79-70), D(69-60), F(59-0) }
Incomplete grades will not be given. Students are expected to follow the missing work policy listed below. A grade of 0(zero) will be given for assignments not turned in or attempted.
Grades should be available online through Aries. Grades evaluated in the following categories and weights; Projects (40%), Participation (15%), and Lab Assignments & Quizzes (30%), Final Exam (15%). Rubrics will be provided in class and on Blackboard.