Academic Resources & Tutoring
The best resource for success in your classes is always your teacher. Please take the time to speak with them about your concerns in class, or to determine which option may best fit your needs.
CCA Study Hall in the Learning Commons:
After school Monday-Thursday from 3:45 - 5:30 PM.
Students do NOT need to sign up, just show up. Each day, a teacher will be present.
Looking for help from a peer?
Peer Tutoring has begun! Peer Tutors are a group of motivated and dedicated students that want to help CCA. We are offering free, non-committal, and friendly academic support/tutoring services for anyone that needs it. Visit the Counseling Website for more information. Sign up here if you are interested in tutoring at any time.
CCA PALs can help! Fill out a request to see a PAL at and mention academic support.