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Welcome to Robotics and Engineering Technology!

Welcome to Robotics and Engineering Technology!

Welcome to Robotics and Engineering Technology, a two-quarter course of study that will introduce you to various elements of Robotics, Engineering, and Applied Technology.
Course Major Units of Study and Syllabus

Course Major Units of Study and Syllabus

Major Units of Study:

  • Identify, formulate solutions for, and solve engineering technology problems using engineering design processes
  • Create 3D CAD parts and assemblies with Autodesk Inventor software
  • Build large scale robotic systems from CAD models
  • Design and Develop robotics electrical and control systems
  • Program robotic controls with Java framework
  • Participate in FIRST Tech Challenge competitions


The purpose of the Robotic and Engineering courses are to develop the skills and knowledge of students in Robotics, Engineering, Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science (STEM - Subjects). The curriculum will help students unlock the power of their imagination by designing and constructing radio-controlled robotic devices that can lift, throw, climb, gather, and expand the boundaries of experimental intelligence. The system gives students a fun, new way to learn STEM subjects. By working together to create robots that perform exciting challenges, they also gain valuable problem-solving and team-building skills.

Recommended Materials:

  • Quadrille sketch pad notebook
  • Headphones for instructional videos

Instructional Methods and/or Strategies:

Primary:              Group work, computer lab work, project-based learning

Secondary:         Internet research, lecture


Scale: {A(100-90), B(89-80), C(79-70), D(69-60), F(59-0)}

Round-Up for Quarter Grade Only: {A(90-89.5), B(80-79.5), C(70-69.5), D(60-59.5)} 

Incomplete quarter grades will not be given. Students are expected to follow the missing work policy listed below. A grade of 0(zero) will be given for assignments not turned in or attempted.

Grades should be available online through Aries. Grades will be assigned based on the following categories and weights per academic quarter; Projects (40%), Participation (40%), and Lab Assignments & Quizzes (10%), Final Exam (10%).  Rubrics will be provided in class and on Google Classroom.

Plagiarism / Cheating:  Plagiarism is the use of any idea or phrasing of an idea traceable to a single source without proper acknowledgement. Plagiarism is also turning in someone else’s work as your own or supplying your work to another student for him/her to use. Cheating is copying homework, web sites, class work, quiz, and test answers from other students with or without their permission. Students who work “together” should not have identical work.  Plagiarism/Cheating will result in a referral to the school administration and automatic contact of student’s parents/guardians.


You are responsible for making up work missed due to excused absences. You must make arrangements with me immediately upon returning to class. I will not remind you to make up missed assignments and I will determine how much time if any you will have to make up the work.  Late work may be turned under the following circumstances:

  • Up to 1 week with a starting score of 50% the original points allocated
  • Aeries will show a blank (red) for the score if the assignment is missing
  • After 1 week the blank (red) will turn to a score of 0 and cannot be changed

Regular on time attendance and active positive participation are essential in order to understand and appreciate the topics covered in this class.  It is also a critical life-long work skill.  Irregular attendance and/or excessive tardiness will seriously affect your achievement in this class and consequently your grade.

Tardies: Over the duration of the class – 2 Quarters

  • 1 tardy:      Verbal Warning
  • 2 tardies:   Conference with student and phone call home
  • 3 tardies:   Referral

School related tardies are not to be counted as tardies for this policy

Class Rules:

  • No Food or Drinks
    • Bottled water is okay
  • Get to class On-Time
    • In your seat logging in
  • No Disrespectful Behavior
    • Do not be mean or insulting
    • Do not alter or break the equipment

Key Assignments:

Unit Projects & Final Exam

Introduction to Robotics and Engineering Technology

  1. History
  2. Careers in Robotics and Engineering
  3. Engineering Design Process
  4. Introduction to FIRST and FTC


  5. Sketching
  6. CAD with Inventor

    Structural Engineering / Architecture

  7. Structure Design
  8. Chassis and Drivetrains

    Control Systems

  9. Electronics and Power Systems
  10. Programming

Final Exam

Students will be tested on the major objectives of the course twice – at the end of each quarter.  They will be assessed on terminology, technical skills, foundational knowledge of engineering and robotics, and use of appropriate presentation formats to communicate information.

Class Procedures

Beginning of class:

  • Be in your seat and start logging in before the bell rings.
  • Log in to Google Classroom, Read the daily agenda, complete the daily Journal response, turn-in assignments, review instructional videos.

Instruction Time/Homework:

  • Most days there will be a short lesson to introduce new topics and demonstrate how the assignments need to be completed. These lessons may be presented on the class YouTube channel and in that case students should review the videos before class (Homework).
  • If we are working on a long-term project I will review where you should be and check your progress

Lab Time:

  • Stay in your seats and work on your assignments and projects. If you have a question raise your hand and I or my TA will assist you as soon as possible.
  • If you finish the activities listed for the day check with me. There will always be an assignment or project coming up that you can work on (Check Google classroom or ask me!). Do not work on assignments from other classes.

Turning In Assignments and Projects:

  • Most assignments and projects will be graded at your desk; others will be collected on Google Classroom:  


Leaving the Classroom:

  • If you need to use the bathroom just let me know before you leave.
  • If you have a pass to leave early or you are playing a sport, it is your responsibility to let me before you leave. Please do not expect me to remind you that you have an appointment.

Disciplinary Action:

A sequence of steps will be followed for any circumstance or situation that interrupts or interferes with the learning/teaching atmosphere in the classroom or any other learning/teaching environment. 

1.  Verbal warning

2.  Student moved from computer/project work area and given written assignment

3.  Phone call home and/or referral

Welcome to the class – I look forward to working with you! 
Assignments and Major Units of Study

Assignments and Major Units of Study

Introduction to Robotics and Engineering Technology

  1. History
  2. Careers in Robotics and Engineering
  3. Engineering Design Process
  4. Introduction to FIRST and FTC



  1. Sketching
  2. CAD with Inventor


Structural Engineering / Architecture

  1. Structure Design
  2. Chassis and Drivetrains


Control Systems

  1. Electronics and Power Systems
  2. Programming